A few months before my birthday this year I was looking into where I would spend my spring break. I ended up going to Savannah, GA for spring break and loving it!! But while researching I also realized I had not yet to Martha’s Vineyard, and I have always wanted to go. Knowing it can be pricey to stay overnight, I looked into going for my birthday in June and seeing if I could make it work for at least 1 night. After looking at dates around my birthday, I finally settled on staying on the Island on a Thursday night…right before the prices went crazy high. I would leave early on a Thursday and stay through Friday afternoon making the most of my time on the Island.

As I said before, I have always looked forward to going to Martha’s Vineyard. I am still amazed by the fact that I have lived on the East coast for over 9 years and there are so many places I have yet to visit in New England and the east coast as a whole.

I did my standard research when going on a trip and I was ready to max out the most of my short stay on the Island. What I was not ready for was the major rain that came the first day of my trip. Well, I was a little ready for it-thank goodness I brought my umbrella and rain jacket!! It rained pretty hard most of my first day, at least until later afternoon. I did not mind for the most part, as I never really planned to lay out on the beach during my trip. But I had hoped to read and casually hang out outside more. But I did not let the rain ruin my day. I truly focused being in the moment, enjoy that I was not at work, and celebrate my birthday! I will admit I did get pretty wet and I was so proud I so packed reasonably for one-night stay. So, I did not have extra clothes, but I still made it work. Thank goodness for hotel room heaters!!

I stayed in Oak bluffs and headed over there after lunch and reading in a cafĂ© for a long while. After checking into my hotel, I walked around the town and along the beach for a few hours. After getting completely soaked, I went back to my room, to dry off and warm up. As noted above, by late afternoon the heavy rain was done. I went out and explored Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association. This area is a National Historic Landmark. It is known as the first summer religious camp established in the United States and is famous for its Carpenter Gothic cottages with Victorian-style gingerbread trim.

One is totally welcome to walk around these homes and take pictures. But I felt I was the only one touring the area and felt a little odd taking pictures. But it was a peaceful neighborhood and enjoyed walking around.

I spent the rest of the evening shopping and having dinner. The island felt calm and quiet. It was so nice to be in such a tourist area with very few people. I felt the next day would be different, as it would Friday on a summer weekend.

I was very right. Friday was different. It was sunny more people were out and about. My first stop was Aquinnah. I was using public transportation while on the island. So, I looked into the schedule and thought I had the right route. I knew it would be bit of bus ride, but I was excited to see more of the island while riding over. Well…I did take the bus to Aquinnah, but I did not go the right part. I did not figure it out until too late and there are not a ton of bus routes out there. So, I just got off and walked 2 miles to the light house area. I really did not mind, but I could only laugh at myself for getting a bit lost. Not my first or last time I will get lost!!

The walk was so worth it. The lighthouse, view of the cliffs, and the walk on the beach were absolutely beautiful. Breath taking really. I could have stayed in that area all day, but I knew I wanted to see more of the island, before I went home.

I was next off to Edgartown. I was very hungry and needed to eat. I definitely wanted to eat at a seafood restaurant on the water. It was easy to find one and at 2 pm in the afternoon not hard to find a seat. I ate at the Seafood Shanty. Of course, I got fish and chips and it was delicious. After lunch, I toured Edgartown and made it another lighthouse. I managed to get some pictures with no other tourist around!! It felt like a bit of a miracle. I took a nap on the beach, got some ice cream, did a little more shopping, and then I headed home.

I loved my mini vacation to Martha’s Vineyard. I look forward to going back and spending more time there. Less rain and more beach time!!

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Martha’s Vineyard | Travels